
Learn about key gRPC concepts, try a quick start, find tutorials and reference material for all supported languages and platforms:

Official support

These are the officially supported gRPC language, platform and OS versions:

LanguageOSCompilers / SDK
C/C++Linux, MacGCC 7.3.1+, Clang 6+
C/C++Windows 10+Visual Studio 2019+
C#Linux, Mac.NET Core, Mono 4+
C#Windows 10+.NET Core, NET 4.5+
DartWindows, Linux, MacDart 2.12+
GoWindows, Linux, MacGo 1.13+
JavaWindows, Linux, MacJava 8+ (KitKat+ for Android)
KotlinWindows, Linux, MacKotlin 1.3+
Node.jsWindows, Linux, MacNode v8+
Objective-CmacOS 10.10+, iOS 9.0+Xcode 12+
PHPLinux, MacPHP 7.0+
PythonWindows, Linux, MacPython 3.7+
RubyWindows, Linux, MacRuby 2.3+