Generated-code reference
Generated-code reference
For each service defined in a .proto file, the Java code generation produces a
Java class. The class name is the service’s name suffixed by Grpc
. The package
for the generated code is specified in the .proto file using the java_package
For example, if ServiceName
is defined in a .proto file containing the
package grpcexample;
option java_package = "io.grpc.examples";
Then the generated class will be io.grpc.examples.ServiceNameGrpc
If java_package
is not specified, the generated class will use the package
as specified in the .proto file. This should be avoided, as proto packages
usually do not begin with a reversed domain name.
Service Stub
The generated Java code contains an inner abstract class suffixed with
, such as ServiceNameImplBase
. This class defines one Java method
for each method in the service definition. It is up to the service implementer
to extend this class and implement the functionality of these methods. Without
being overridden, the methods return an error to the client saying the method is
The signatures of the stub methods in ServiceNameImplBase
vary depending on
the type of RPCs it handles. There are four types of gRPC service methods:
unary, server-streaming, client-streaming, and bidirectional-streaming.
The service stub signature for a unary RPC method unaryExample
public void unaryExample(
RequestType request,
StreamObserver<ResponseType> responseObserver)
The service stub signature for a server-streaming RPC method
public void serverStreamingExample(
RequestType request,
StreamObserver<ResponseType> responseObserver)
Notice that the signatures for unary and server-streaming RPCs are the same. A
single RequestType
is received from the client, and the service implementation
sends its response(s) by invoking responseObserver.onNext(ResponseType response)
The service stub signature for a client-streaming RPC method
public StreamObserver<RequestType> clientStreamingExample(
StreamObserver<ResponseType> responseObserver)
The service stub signature for a bidirectional-streaming RPC method
public StreamObserver<RequestType> bidirectionalStreamingExample(
StreamObserver<ResponseType> responseObserver)
The signatures for client and bidirectional-streaming RPCs are the same. Since
the client can send multiple messages to the service, the service implementation
is responsible for returning a StreamObserver<RequestType>
instance. This
is invoked whenever additional messages are received from the
Client Stubs
The generated class also contains stubs for use by gRPC clients to call methods
defined by the service. Each stub wraps a Channel
, supplied by the user of the
generated code. The stub uses this channel to send RPCs to the service.
gRPC Java generates code for three types of stubs: asynchronous, blocking, and
future. Each type of stub has a corresponding class in the generated code, such
as ServiceNameStub
, ServiceNameBlockingStub
, and ServiceNameFutureStub
Asynchronous Stub
RPCs made via an asynchronous stub operate entirely through callbacks on
The asynchronous stub contains one Java method for each method from the service definition.
A new asynchronous stub is instantiated via the ServiceNameGrpc.newStub(Channel channel)
static method.
The asynchronous stub signature for a unary RPC method unaryExample
public void unaryExample(
RequestType request,
StreamObserver<ResponseType> responseObserver)
The asynchronous stub signature for a server-streaming RPC method
public void serverStreamingExample(
RequestType request,
StreamObserver<ResponseType> responseObserver)
The asynchronous stub signature for a client-streaming RPC method
public StreamObserver<RequestType> clientStreamingExample(
StreamObserver<ResponseType> responseObserver)
The asynchronous stub signature for a bidirectional-streaming RPC method
public StreamObserver<RequestType> bidirectionalStreamingExample(
StreamObserver<ResponseType> responseObserver)
Blocking Stub
RPCs made through a blocking stub, as the name implies, block until the response from the service is available.
The blocking stub contains one Java method for each unary and server-streaming method in the service definition. Blocking stubs do not support client-streaming or bidirectional-streaming RPCs.
A new blocking stub is instantiated via the
ServiceNameGrpc.newBlockingStub(Channel channel)
static method.
The blocking stub signature for a unary RPC method unaryExample
public ResponseType unaryExample(RequestType request)
The blocking stub signature for a server-streaming RPC method
public Iterator<ResponseType> serverStreamingExample(RequestType request)
Future Stub
RPCs made via a future stub wrap the return value of the asynchronous stub in a
, which implements the
The future stub contains one Java method for each unary method in the service definition. Future stubs do not support streaming calls.
A new future stub is instantiated via the ServiceNameGrpc.newFutureStub(Channel channel)
static method.
The future stub signature for a unary RPC method unaryExample
public ListenableFuture<ResponseType> unaryExample(RequestType request)
Typically the build system handles creation of the gRPC generated code.
For protobuf-based codegen, you can put your .proto
files in the src/main/proto
and src/test/proto
directories along with an appropriate plugin.
A typical protobuf-maven-plugin configuration for generating gRPC and Protocol Buffers code would look like the following:
Eclipse and NetBeans users should also look at os-maven-plugin
IDE documentation.
A typical protobuf-gradle-plugin configuration would look like the following:
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: ''
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
// ASSUMES GRADLE 2.12 OR HIGHER. Use plugin version 0.7.5 with earlier
// gradle versions
classpath ''
protobuf {
protoc {
artifact = ""
plugins {
grpc {
artifact = 'io.grpc:protoc-gen-grpc-java:1.4.0'
generateProtoTasks {
all()*.plugins {
grpc {}
Bazel developers can use the
rule, typically as follows:
load("@grpc_java//:java_grpc_library.bzl", "java_grpc_library")
name = "helloworld_proto",
srcs = ["src/main/proto/helloworld.proto"],
name = "helloworld_java_proto",
deps = [":helloworld_proto"],
name = "helloworld_java_grpc",
srcs = [":helloworld_proto"],
deps = [":helloworld_java_proto"],
Android developers, see Generating client code for reference.
If you wish to invoke the protobuf plugin for gRPC Java directly, the command-line syntax is as follows:
protoc --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc-java \
--grpc-java_out="$OUTPUT_FILE" --proto_path="$DIR_OF_PROTO_FILE" "$PROTO_FILE"